TC Check is a complete dashboard to control the general status of your store, school, museum, and any type of organization ... with a single CHECK.Later you can analyze the results in the Analytics section, our multi-device platform.1️⃣ Create your questionnaire2️⃣ Assign the people who must answer it and the periodicity3️⃣ Launch the questionnaire and allow your team to answer4️⃣ Follow-up of the compliance result and content of the responses 📈📊Who can use this tool?Any organization that has internal protocols and wants to capture to manage its decision making.Team management is essential for the correct and effective development of your organizations objectives. Thanks to TC Check, you can deliver personalized templates in which you can decide which protocols are the most important.Your information will be captured on an intuitive platform, in which you can archive not only the responses to the checks but also the images that are uploaded.Contact us at for more information.